Photo of Ivelisse Caraballo, a Latina woman in professional attire

Ivelisse Caraballo
Brockton Outreach Specialist

Ivelisse Caraballo is an educational advocate and mother of two who is dedicated to ensuring that all children have access to a holistic, high-quality, equitable educational experience. Through both experience and in-depth research on the causes and consequences of educational inequality in urban school communities, Ivelisse understood that she would have to inform other parents about this issue and work alongside education stakeholders in order to truly impact change.

Over the years, Ivelisse has worked to promote systemic change in Boston and Brockton-area schools through community organizing, coaching, and programing, equipping parents to effective education advocacy. Ivelisse is committed to empowering parents through knowledge given what she describes as a “huge learning curve” as it pertains to becoming familiar with the discourse community to truly understanding how schools can better serve students. Additionally, she is devoted to ensuring that schools are culturally responsive to the needs of the students and families they serve.