SESPP is funded through a contract with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This contract is managed by two partner agencies, the Federation for Children with Special Needs, which provides recruitment and training services to program volunteers through the Recruitment, Training and Support Center (RTSC), and the Special Education Surrogate Parent Program (SESPP) of the Collaborative for Education Services, which provides oversight and administration to the matching and delivery of service to eligible students. RTSC and SESPP work collaboratively to ensure quality volunteer appointments, communication with community partners, and positive educational outcomes for students.

Special Education Surrogate Parent Program LogoFor any case management questions, concerning such issues as residential placement of the student or dealing with the DCF social worker for the student, the SESP should  contact the SESP Program at (508) 792-7679


Recruitment, Training and Support Center (RTSC) logoFor any special education process questions, concerning such issues as timelines for IEPs or due process, the SESP should call the RTSC at (617) 399-841, (413) 522-5968 in western Mass, or email .



SESPP and RTSC Chart