View/Download a copy of the Transition Planning Form (TPF)

View/Download a copy of the Massachusetts Individual Education Program

Transition services are defined by federal law (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA) as a “coordinated set of activities…designed to be within a results-oriented process,…to facilitate the student’s movement from school to post-school activities.” Transition services are based on the individual student’s needs, taking into account his/her strengths, preferences, and interests. These services help young adults to live, work, participate in the community, and go on to further education or training as independently as possible when they leave high school. ( transition)

The IEP team’s task is to identify and specify the transition services that a student will receive to support him or her in reaching the shorter-term IEP goals and the longer-term postsecondary goal. How does the IEP team do that?

Transition services are determined by the combination of a student’s postsecondary goals, corresponding IEP goals, and necessary supports for achieving those goals. By definition, transition services can include:

  • Instruction;
  • Related services;
  • Community experiences;
  • The development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives; and
  • If appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and provision of a functional vocational evaluation. [§300.43(a)(2)]

Transition Planning and the IEP

Transition goals can be incorporated into a student’s IEP as soon as s/he turns 14.