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Introdução ao Novo Formulário do IEP

Online Event

Terça-feira, 21 de maio 11h30 às 13h Virtual Um novo formulário de IEP será usado por todos os distritos escolares de Massachusetts a partir do próximo outono. Saiba como aproveitar ao máximo as mudanças neste workshop gratuito da Federação para Crianças com Necessidades Especiais. Esta apresentação é

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Introduction to the New IEP

Online Event

Introduction to the New IEP Form The IEP document will be seeing the first major change to the form in 20 years in the state of Massachusetts. This presentation will discuss: - Understand why changes have been made - Learn the timeline for implementation - Review the

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IN PERSON Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP

Brockton Arc 1250 West Chestnut Street, Brockton

This presentation was developed to help families gain a deeper understanding of the current IEP document. We will talk about why it is important, how it is developed and the different sections of the document. Further discussion will focus on what types of services are included and


Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP

Host: Northbridge Public Schools This presentation was developed to help families gain a deeper understanding of the current IEP document. We will talk about why it is important, how it is developed and the different sections of the document. Further discussion will focus on what types of

Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility

Host: Lynnfield Public Schools This presentation is a comprehensive introduction into special education laws and procedures. We will delve into the purpose of the law, referrals, evaluations, and the team meeting process including determining eligibility.  Further discussion will focus on services, placement, and what to do when