Exploring Current Educational Issues for Students in Foster Care

Jim Morrison DCF Education Manger will provide a brief overview of DCF Education policy & protocols and then examine some of the key issues, topics, and challenges that have surfaced recently as we look forward to the 2021-2022 school year.


Exploring Current Educational Issues for Students in Foster Care

Jim Morrison DCF Education Manger will provide a brief overview of DCF Education policy & protocols and then examine some of the key issues, topics, and challenges that have surfaced recently as we look forward to the 2021-2022 school year.


RTSC Online Orientation Training

Register for Orientation Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) SESPs serve as appointed decision-makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to attend and participate in special education team meetings, approve or reject Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and if necessary, file complaints

RTSC Online Orientation Training

Register for Orientation Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) SESPs serve as appointed decision-makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to attend and participate in special education team meetings, approve or reject Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and if necessary, file complaints

RTSC Online Orientation Training


Register for Orientation Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) SESPs serve as appointed decision-makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to attend and participate in special education team meetings, approve or reject Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and if necessary, file complaints

SESP Weekly Check-In

Special Education Surrogate Parents Weekly Zoom Meeting All SESPs are welcome.   This will be an open zoom meeting format with RTSC support staff facilitating conversations around general questions that are common among SESPs. For questions, Mary-Beth at mlandy@fcsn.org or (617) 399-8341.


Trauma Training for SESPs

Trauma Training for SESPs Trauma Training for SESPs This training will offer a systematic approach to looking at Developmental Childhood Trauma as it impacts our students in the child welfare system. This interactive training will study trauma’s effects on the academic and social/emotional learning of a student

Trauma Training

Trauma Training for SESPs:  This training will offer a systematic approach to looking at Developmental Childhood Trauma as it impacts our students in the child welfare system. This interactive training will study trauma’s effects on the academic and social/emotional learning of a student and the impact on

Trauma Training for SESPs


Trauma Training for SESPs Trauma Training for SESPs This training will offer a systematic approach to looking at Developmental Childhood Trauma as it impacts our students in the child welfare system. This interactive training will study trauma’s effects on the academic and social/emotional learning of a student

RTSC Online Orientation Training

Register for Orientation Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) SESPs serve as appointed decision-makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to attend and participate in special education team meetings, approve or reject Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and if necessary, file complaints

RTSC Online Orientation Training

Register for Orientation Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) SESPs serve as appointed decision-makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to attend and participate in special education team meetings, approve or reject Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and if necessary, file complaints

RTSC Online Orientation Training


Register for Orientation Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) SESPs serve as appointed decision-makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to attend and participate in special education team meetings, approve or reject Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and if necessary, file complaints