

中文讲座:周五、12月16日晚上6点钟到8点钟 您对学校和孩子存在的学习机会有疑问吗?请参加学校查找项目的讲座,并有机会提问以下相关的问题: 早期教育,幼儿园到八年级、高中及以上的教育选择。 公校学区、跨区择校、特许学校、职业技术学校、METCO、马萨诸塞州远程教育学校、考试/专科学校、康复学校、特殊学校、私立学校和家庭教育。 家庭的角色和责任;包括家庭在孩子的教育过程中应扮演的平等及至关重要的角色。 请注册 想了解更多的信息, 请致电617-399-8329或发邮件到juanli@fcsn.org

RTSC Online Orientation Training

Online Event

Become a Special Education Decision-Maker for a Child in State Custody Volunteers, known as Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs), serve as appointed educational special decision-makers for students in  the custody of the Department of Children and Families (DCF). SESP volunteers have the legal authority of a parent or


POSTPONED Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP

Postponed - New Date TBA Host: Boston Collegiate Charter School This presentation was developed to help families gain a deeper understanding of the IEP document. We will talk about why it is important, how it is developed and the different sections of the document. Further discussion will

Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP

Host: Monomoy Regional School District This presentation was developed to help families gain a deeper understanding of the IEP document. We will talk about why it is important, how it is developed and the different sections of the document. Further discussion will focus on what types of

Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP

Host: Nashoba Valley Technical High School This presentation was developed to help families gain a deeper understanding of the IEP document. We will talk about why it is important, how it is developed and the different sections of the document. Further discussion will focus on what types

RTSC Online Orientation Training

Online Event

Become a Special Education Decision-Maker for a Child in State Custody Volunteers, known as Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs), serve as appointed educational special decision-makers for students in  the custody of the Department of Children and Families (DCF). SESP volunteers have the legal authority of a parent or


Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP

Host: Narragansett Regional School District This presentation was developed to help families gain a deeper understanding of the IEP document. We will talk about why it is important, how it is developed and the different sections of the document. Further discussion will focus on what types of

Turning 3 Essentials

Host: Cambridge Public Schools Explains the differences between early intervention and special education, the transition planning conference, the special education procedures including referral, evaluation, the Team meeting, eligibility determination, services, goals, placement, response options, and parent’s procedural due process rights for resolving disputes. Please sign up to

Basic Rights: Transition Planning

Host: Acton-Boxborough Regional School District This presentation addresses the planning involved when a student is of transition age. The importance of planning, the roles of both parent/guardian and student and the student’s post-secondary vision. We will discuss how to prepare for the transition planning meeting, the age

POSTPONED Bullying: What Parents Need to Know

Host: Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District Postponed – New Date TBA Our new presentation addresses what a bully is; the school’s legal obligation to prevent and address bullying; some strategies and tools for dealing with bullying; and how to address bullying in the IEP. We welcome both

Trauma for Caregivers

Online Event

Developmental Childhood Trauma Training for Caregivers Are you raising a child with a history of trauma? Are you looking for a better understanding of the “why” of their challenges? The Recruitment, Training, and Support Center for Special Education Surrogate Parents is offering their Developmental Childhood Trauma Training


Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility

Host: Old Rochester Regional School District This presentation is a comprehensive introduction into special education laws and procedures. We will delve into the purpose of the law, referrals, evaluations, and the team meeting process including determining eligibility.  Further discussion will focus on services, placement, and what to

Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP

Host: North Middlesex Regional School District This presentation was developed to help families gain a deeper understanding of the IEP document. We will talk about why it is important, how it is developed and the different sections of the document. Further discussion will focus on what types