SESP Check In

SESP Weekly Zoom Special Education Surrogate Parents Weekly Zoom Meeting All SESPs are welcome.   This will be an open zoom meeting format with RTSC support staff facilitating conversations around general questions that are common among SESPs. For questions, Bridget Koetsch at or (617) 399-8369.


RTSC Online Orientation Training

Register for Orientation Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) SESPs serve as appointed decision-makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to attend and participate in special education team meetings, approve or reject Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and if necessary, file complaints


Discipline and Suspension

Discipline and Suspension Discipline and Suspension Describes different types of disciplinary offenses, the school responsibilities for discipline, range of consequences for rule violations, the difference between suspensions, expulsions, and emergency removals, different categories of suspensions, procedures for out of school suspensions and expulsions, and legal protections for


SESP Check-In

Special Education Surrogate Parents Weekly Zoom Meeting All SESPs are welcome. This will be an open zoom meeting format with RTSC support staff facilitating conversations around general questions that are common among SESPs. For questions, Mary-Beth at or (617) 399-8341.


Trauma Training

Trauma Training for SESPs Trauma Training for SESPs This training will offer a systematic approach to looking at Developmental Childhood Trauma as it impacts our students in the child welfare system. This interactive training will study trauma’s effects on the academic and social/emotional learning of a student


RTSC Online Orientation Training

Register for Orientation Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) SESPs serve as appointed decision-makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to attend and participate in special education team meetings, approve or reject Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and if necessary, file complaints


SESP Check-In

Special Education Surrogate Parents Weekly Zoom Meeting All SESPs are welcome. This will be an open zoom meeting format with RTSC support staff facilitating conversations around general questions that are common among SESPs. For questions, Mary-Beth at or (617) 399-8341.


Updates for School Reopening: Up-to-date DESE Guidance

            This Webinar is part of a joint presentation series by Massachusetts Advocates for Children and the Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN). The next webinar in this series is on Tuesday, September 21st and will cover discipline and suspension and


RTSC Online Orientation Training

Register for Orientation Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) SESPs serve as appointed decision-makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to attend and participate in special education team meetings, approve or reject Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and if necessary, file complaints


SESP Check-in

Special Education Surrogate Parents Weekly Zoom Meeting All SESPs are welcome. This will be an open zoom meeting format with RTSC support staff facilitating conversations around general questions that are common among SESPs. For questions, Mary-Beth at or (617) 399-8341.


Turning 3 Essentials Training

Register Here Early Intervention Parent Leadership Program Explains the differences between early intervention and special education, the transition planning conference, the special education procedures including referral, evaluation, the Team meeting, eligibility determination, services, goals, placement, response options, and parent’s procedural due process rights for resolving disputes. Please

Host: Early Intervention Parent Leadership Program Explains the differences between early intervention and special education, the transition planning conference, the special education procedures including referral, evaluation, the Team meeting, eligibility determination, services, goals, placement, response options, and parent’s procedural due process rights for resolving disputes. Please sign

RTSC Online Orientation Training

Register for Orientation Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) SESPs serve as appointed decision-makers that have the legal authority of a parent or legal guardian to attend and participate in special education team meetings, approve or reject Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and if necessary, file complaints


SESP Weekly Check-in

Online Event

SESP Weekly Zoom Meeting All SESPs are welcome. Register Here! This will be an open zoom meeting format with RTSC support staff facilitating conversations around general questions that are common among Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs). For questions, contact Bridget Koetsch at or (617) 399-8369.


FCSN Webinar: Lack of Progress and Compensatory Services

Online Event

Register Here! Last year was challenging for students and many families are concerned that their student may have lost skills or was not able to fully access the services provided.  In this FCSN webinar, attorneys Tim Sindelar and Janine Solomon will address lack of effective progress, the
