Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP

Host: Frontier Regional and Union 38 School Districts This presentation was developed to help families gain a deeper understanding of the IEP document. We will talk about why it is important, how it is developed and the different sections of the document. Further discussion will focus on

Social Emotional Learning

Host: Norton Public Schools This presentation provides an introduction to social emotional learning. We will dive into what social emotional learning is, why it is important, and what it looks like in different contexts We will also discuss how social emotional learning is applied in the classroom

POSTPONED – Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility

This workshop has been postponed until March 27, 2024. Host: Norwell Public Schools This presentation is a comprehensive introduction into special education laws and procedures. We will delve into the purpose of the law, referrals, evaluations, and the team meeting process including determining eligibility.  Further discussion will

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Direitos básicos: Planejamento de Transição

Online Event

Essa apresentação aborda o planejamento envolvido quando o aluno está em idade de Transição. A importância do planejamento, as funções dos pais/responsáveis e do aluno e a visão pós-secundária do mesmo. Discutiremos como se preparar para a reunião de planejamento de Transição, a maioridade e os direitos
