Visions of Community: Pre-Event Workshop and Networking

3:15pm - 3:45pm   Improving Learning for Students With Hidden Disabilities 1) How the student can benefit from additional support such as Organizational Skills, Time Management, and Effective Communication with student 2) How to change the student’s environment to reduce anxiety and distraction 3) What IEP accommodations and


Visions of Community (VOC) is FCSN's annual conference for parents and professionals caring for children with special needs. The day includes intensive workshops on topics such as, IEPs and other special education issues, impact of trauma, self-care, health services and benefits, and transition planning, offered in English,

Making a Difference Conference

Online Event

The Making a Difference conference provides a wonderful opportunity for Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs), Foster/Adoptive and Kinship Caregivers, Educators, Child Welfare Providers, Community Partners and Others to experience a full day of high-quality education and networking. Attendees will come away with information and resources to assist

Grupo de Apoio – Inscrição no VOC22 e acesso ao Aplicativo – Whova

  Durante essa sessão os participantes aprenderão como se inscrever para a Conferência Anual, utilizar o aplicativo Whova, usar a opção de interpretação e assim aproveitar o máximo possivel  dos treinamentos para facilitar a vida das nossas famílias. 

Reduzindo crises e promovendo o desenvolvimento em casa

  Podemos ser criativos e modificar os espaços em nossa casa, as atividades e nossa própria maneira de interagir visando o bem estar e o maior progresso possível para as crianças. Identificando as competências, necessidades e interesses de cada um, podemos planejar melhor o dia a dia,