SESP Zoom Support Meeting


SESP  Zoom Meeting All SESPs are welcome. This will be an open zoom meeting format with RTSC support staff facilitating conversations around general questions that are common among Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs). For questions, contact us at  


The Educational Impact of Trauma on Students in DCF Custody and the IEP (SESPs)

Online Event

This training will offer a systematic approach to looking at Developmental Childhood Trauma as it impacts our students in the child welfare system. This interactive training will study trauma’s effects on the academic and social/emotional learning of a student and the impact on their IEP. This training


RTSC Online Orientation Training

Online Event

Become a Special Education Decision-Maker for a Child in State Custody Volunteers, known as Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs), serve as appointed educational special decision-makers for students in  the custody of the Department of Children and Families (DCF). SESP volunteers have the legal authority of a parent or


Networking Series


Register for Networking Are you a: RTSC Special Education Surrogate Parent, PCTI trained Parent Consultant, or SEPAC Officer? Join us for a FREE opportunity to network, brought to you by Recruitment, Training and Support Center (RTSC), Parent Training and Information Center (PTI), and MassPAC programs of the

Cumpliendo 3: Elementos Esenciales

Organización: Early Intervention Parent Leadership Program (EIPLP) Explica las diferencias entre la intervención temprana y la educación especial, la conferencia de planificación de la transición, los procedimientos de educación especial, incluida la remisión, la evaluación, la reunión del Equipo, la determinación de elegibilidad, los servicios, las metas,

Transition Training for Students Experiencing State Custody

Online Event

This presentation provides an understanding of the transition planning process, including why transition planning is important, services that could be included, who is eligible, student and parent/SESP roles in transition planning, and the role of student’s vision.  We will discuss how to prepare for a transition planning
