RTSC Monthly Webinar: Supporting LGBTQ Youth

Online Event

An Act Relative to Gender Identity, which became effective in 2012, protects students from discrimination based on gender identity, as well as sexual orientation. This session will review the laws, policies, resources, and best practices for supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, queer, and questioning students. By

RTSC Online Orientation Training

Online Event

Become a Special Education Decision-Maker for a Child in State Custody Volunteers, known as Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs), serve as appointed educational special decision-makers for students in  the custody of the Department of Children and Families (DCF). SESP volunteers have the legal authority of a parent or


Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility

Host: Belchertown SEPAC This presentation is a comprehensive introduction into special education laws and procedures. We will delve into the purpose of the law, referrals, evaluations, and the team meeting process including determining eligibility.  Further discussion will focus on services, placement, and what to do when you

Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility

Host: Hudson Public Schools This presentation is a comprehensive introduction into special education laws and procedures. We will delve into the purpose of the law, referrals, evaluations, and the team meeting process including determining eligibility.  Further discussion will focus on services, placement, and what to do when

RTSC Online Orientation Training

Online Event

Become a Special Education Decision-Maker for a Child in State Custody Volunteers, known as Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs), serve as appointed educational special decision-makers for students in  the custody of the Department of Children and Families (DCF). SESP volunteers have the legal authority of a parent or


Transition Planning Training

Online Event

This presentation provides an understanding of the transition planning process, including why transition planning is important, services that could be included, who is eligible, student and parent/SESP roles in transition planning, and the role of student’s vision.  We will discuss how to prepare for a transition planning


Grupo de Apoio – Inscrição no VOC22 e acesso ao Aplicativo – Whova

  Durante essa sessão os participantes aprenderão como se inscrever para a Conferência Anual, utilizar o aplicativo Whova, usar a opção de interpretação e assim aproveitar o máximo possivel  dos treinamentos para facilitar a vida das nossas famílias. 

RTSC Online Orientation Training

Online Event

Become a Special Education Decision-Maker for a Child in State Custody Volunteers, known as Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs), serve as appointed educational special decision-makers for students in  the custody of the Department of Children and Families (DCF). SESP volunteers have the legal authority of a parent or


Creating a Post-Secondary Vision

Host: Hadley SEPAC Explains the role of the student’s post-secondary vision in transition planning, where to start, how to write a vision statement and how the vision can impact assessments and the transition planning process. Please sign up to attend through our Zoom registration link: https://fcsn-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtfu6gpzkoHdLvZ2FF097VeWZZcJ3PP6Oh Zoom

Basic Rights: Transition Planning

Host: Tri-Town SEPAC This presentation addresses the planning involved when a student is of transition age. The importance of planning, the roles of both parent/guardian and student and the student’s post-secondary vision. We will discuss how to prepare for the transition planning meeting, the age of majority,

Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility

Host: Agawam Public Schools This presentation is a comprehensive introduction into special education laws and procedures. We will delve into the purpose of the law, referrals, evaluations, and the team meeting process including determining eligibility.  Further discussion will focus on services, placement, and what to do when

Reduzindo crises e promovendo o desenvolvimento em casa

  Podemos ser criativos e modificar os espaços em nossa casa, as atividades e nossa própria maneira de interagir visando o bem estar e o maior progresso possível para as crianças. Identificando as competências, necessidades e interesses de cada um, podemos planejar melhor o dia a dia,

Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility

Host: Athol Royalston Regional School District SEPAC This presentation is a comprehensive introduction into special education laws and procedures. We will delve into the purpose of the law, referrals, evaluations, and the team meeting process including determining eligibility.  Further discussion will focus on services, placement, and what