STudents Are Ready (STAR) Needs Assessments

STudents Are Ready (STAR) Needs Assessments
The Federation's Workforce Success Initiative, STudents Are Ready (STAR) program, will identify and address challenges transition-age students and families face when considering employment after high school. Want to give your input? Here are the service areas and more. Eligibility Requirements and Target Population We need to hearRead more

NextGen Careers Initiative

NextGen Careers Initiative
The Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN) has partnered up with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) to bring a special program provided by MRC for young adults with disabilities who are 18-30 years old to help them explore the world of work and discover a careerRead more

SSI/Other Government Benefits

« Prev1 / 1Next »What’s Out ThereSocial Security Disability ProgramsSocial Security and Health Benefits for Young Adults – Transition PlanningSocial Security Benefits and Employment for Students in Transition from School to Adult Life« Prev1 / 1Next »Read more

Transition Planning – REAL

Transition Planning – REAL
TRANSITION FROM SCHOOL TO ADULT LIFE - REAL TRANSITION PARTNERS What are transition services? Transition planning is an on-going process that begins at age 14 to prepare students with disabilities for life after high school. It requires planning, skill development, and network support. The LINK Center assistsRead more

Transition Assessment

What is a transition assessment?   A transition assessment is any assessment that occurs after a student turns 14.  The goal of an assessment is to answer any questions about a student that could help to inform an education plan or transition plan.  There is no single assessment that can provide all of the information needed

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