Ivone Rego

Ivone Rego
Ivone Rego Transition Projects Manager irego@fcsn.org Ivone Rego is the Transition Projects Manager at FCSN. She has worked previously at the Federation in the RTSC project as the Project Associate and, more recently, as the Communications Coordinator. Ivone has two awesome kids and a sweet yet feistyRead more

Chetna Putta

Chetna Putta
Chetna Putta Director of IT/Administration cputta@fcsn.org Chetna Putta, took on this role as Director of IT to provide agency-wide support in delivery of IT operations and infrastructure, maintaining the overall integrity of IT services and security systems. Her enthusiasm in high tech and software engineering, stems fromRead more

Andrea Parker

Andrea Parker
Andrea Parker Project Director RTSC aparker@fcsn.org Andrea Parker began her career as a teacher in international education. Andrea has taught English Language Learners in Elementary, Middle and High School and developed and managed teacher training and professional development in the areas of SEL, Language Acquisition and LearningRead more

Susan Ou

Susan Ou
Susan Ou Outreach Specialist - Chinese Families/PTI susanou@fcsn.org Susan Ou is the Senior Outreach Specialist from Federation for Children with Special Needs. She uses the “Cultural Broker” models to provide information, resources and supports to underserved families which include culturally linguistically diverse families, also offer strategies andRead more

Pam Nourse

Pam Nourse
Pam Nourse Executive Director/Administration pnourse@fcsn.org Pam Nourse is currently Executive Director of the Federation for Children with Special Needs. She is a sibling of a brother with intellectual disabilities and has experience with the IEP process with her own children. Throughout her career, Pam has led missionRead more

Ruth Diaz

Ruth Diaz
Ruth Diaz Project Director, PTIC rdiaz@fcsn.org Ruth M. Diaz, JD, MBA, practiced law for 30 years, first at Greater Boston Legal Services, then at Harvard Law School, where she was also a managing attorney, senior clinical instructor, and a lecturer. As the Project Director of the ParentRead more

Bridget Koetsch

Bridget Koetsch
Bridget Koetsch Business Office bkoetsch@fcsn.org Bridget Koetsch is the Training and Support Specialist for the Recruitment, Training, and Support Center (RTSC), a Project of the Federation for Children with Special Needs, training and supporting Special Education Surrogate Parents. Bridget is also the Coordinator for Positive Solutions forRead more

Sarah Jefferson

Sarah Jefferson
Sarah Jefferson Regional Parent Coordinator, Metrowest/Family TIES sjefferson@fcsn.org Sarah Jefferson is the Metrowest Regional Coordinator for the Family TIES program. She has an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Masters in Social Work. Previous to working at the FCSN, she worked at an English as a Second LanguageRead more

Heidi Harris

Heidi Harris
Heidi Harris Outreach Specialist-Black Families hharris@fcsn.org Heidi is a k12 educator/ practitioner. She has a background as a researcher largely focusing on identifying the programs, practices, and policies that make high schools in large urban districts particularly effective for low-income students and students of color. Other areasRead more